PicoCTF - PW Crack 5



Beginner picoMini 2022 / General skill / password cracking / hashing


Can you crack the password to get the flag?
Download the password checker here and you’ll need the encrypted flag and the hash in the same directory too. Here’s a dictionary with all possible passwords based on the password conventions we’ve seen so far.


The challenge is quite similar to PW Crack 4, but we should know how to read dictionary.txt and then split and iterate it.
Modify level5.py script to following code :

import hashlib

### THIS FUNCTION WILL NOT HELP YOU FIND THE FLAG --LT ########################
def str_xor(secret, key):
    #extend key to secret length
    new_key = key
    i = 0
    while len(new_key) < len(secret):
        new_key = new_key + key[i]
        i = (i + 1) % len(key)        
    return "".join([chr(ord(secret_c) ^ ord(new_key_c)) for (secret_c,new_key_c) in zip(secret,new_key)])

flag_enc = open('level5.flag.txt.enc', 'rb').read()
correct_pw_hash = open('level5.hash.bin', 'rb').read()

def hash_pw(pw_str):
    pw_bytes = bytearray()
    m = hashlib.md5()
    return m.digest()

def level_5_pw_check(pw):
    user_pw = pw
    user_pw_hash = hash_pw(user_pw)
    if( user_pw_hash == correct_pw_hash ):
        print("Welcome back... your flag, user:")
        decryption = str_xor(flag_enc.decode(), user_pw)
        return decryption
        return "That password is incorrect"
list_ = open('dictionary.txt', 'r').read().split() #import txt and split it 

for x in list_: #iterate 
    res = level_5_pw_check(x)
    if res !="That password is incorrect" :

Here’s flag: picoCTF{h45h_sl1ng1ng_fffcda23} ٩(^ᴗ^)۶