Change svg color

Open your svg file and you’ll see code like below :

<path class="svgpath" data-index="path_0" fill="#ffffff" d="M0 525.2c0 223.6 143.3 413.7 343 483.5 26.9 6.8 22.8-12.4 22.8-25.4l0-88.7c-155.3 18.2-161.5-84.6-172-101.7-21.1-36-70.8-45.2-56-62.3 35.4-18.2 71.4 4.6 113.1 66.3 30.2 44.7 89.1 37.2 119 29.7 6.5-26.9 20.5-50.9 39.7-69.6C248.8 728.2 181.7 630 181.7 513.2c0-56.6 18.7-108.7 55.3-150.7-23.3-69.3 2.2-128.5 5.6-137.3 66.5-6 135.5 47.6 140.9 51.8 37.8-10.2 80.9-15.6 129.1-15.6 48.5 0 91.8 5.6 129.8 15.9 12.9-9.8 77-55.8 138.8-50.2 3.3 8.8 28.2 66.7 6.3 135 37.1 42.1 56 94.6 56 151.4 0 117-67.5 215.3-228.8 243.7 26.9 26.6 43.6 63.4 43.6 104.2l0 128.8c0.9 10.3 0 20.5 17.2 20.5C878.1 942.4 1024 750.9 1024 525.3c0-282.9-229.3-512-512-512C229.1 13.2 0 242.3 0 525.2L0 525.2z" />


<svg fill="#000000" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="">

change fill attribute to color you want.